Tennee | July 1, 2019

The joys of summer are finally here!
This is the time to pay attention to your magnesium levels as we spend time in the sun playing and sweating.
I like to rev up my magnesium during the summer months as the loss of electrolytes can disrupt magnesium stores and can cause adrenal fatigue if left unchecked.
Magnesium is one of the more important mineral building blocks in our bodies and is often depleted! Magnesium is used in over 300 biochemical enzyme reactions in the body. These biochemical enzymes are responsible for regulating the function of DNA and maintaining cellular energy production in the brain, muscles and heart. Magnesium is needed for Vitamin D assimilation and for the production of glutathione which is responsible for detoxification and energy production.
It is estimated that most people have depleted magnesium stores due to poor diet, prescription drug use, alcohol consumption, aging and digestive disorders.
Health imbalances that can stem from Magnesium deficiency include but are not limited to:
- Insomnia
- Diabetes
- Fatigue
- Stress
- Anxiety
- High blood pressure
- Hormone imbalance
- Fibromyalgia
- Migraines
- Cancer
- Osteoporosis

Magnesium rich foods that are important to include in your diet include: leafy greens, nuts, seeds, avocados, fatty fish, black beans and dark chocolate.
Not all magnesium supplements are created equal! If you think you are not getting enough magnesium, you may want to supplement.
Often people take the most common form (citrate) available. Depending on your needs, do your research and supplement when necessary with the most valuable form for your needs.
Forms of Magnesium and how they affect the body.
- Threonate - This is the only form of magnesium that significantly increases levels of magnesium in the brain. Helpful for brain injuries, PTSD, depression, neurological conditions and anxiety.
- Chloride - Useful for detoxifying, supports metabolism and kidney function.
- Glycinate - Known for its relaxing effect. Good absorption rate. Useful for leaky gut and nerve pain.
- Oxide - Good in small doses throughout the day. Relieves constipation and can help regulate blood pressure.
- Sulfate - Best to be used in bath in salt form. Promotes relaxation. Supports nervous system function.
- Taurate - Supports cardiovascular health and may lower blood pressure.
- Malate - Improves energy levels. May counteract heavy metals. Improves muscle pain.
- Orotate - Well absorbed. Improves cardiovascular health.
- Citrate - Not recommended as it pulls water into the intestines and can lead to dehydration. Can also interfere with ceruplasmin and can cause iron dysregulation.
As you can see, there are alot of choices and not all forms of magnesium are created equal. Understanding your bodies needs is an art form. Pay attention to your responses to any supplements and if you are not clear on what you should be taking, I recommend getting a spectracell micronutrient test if you want answers regarding your specific micro nutrient status.
Wishing you a radiant reality!
Thanks for reading my blog.
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